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Vincent and Trina Collet

In the summer of 2018, Vincent and Trina Collet moved their family to Lyon, France. Vincent served as the Administrative Manager for Radio Colombe...
Administrative, Europe
Vincent and Trina Collet

In the summer of 2018, Vincent and Trina Collet moved their family to Lyon, France. Vincent served as the Administrative Manager for Radio Colombe at PHARE FM Lyon Dauphiné, part of the TWR network, until the family returned to Canada in the summer of 2023. Vincent and Trina continue to serve with TWR Canada from their home in Ontario. Vincent works as the French Language Translator for the Mission 66 project and Trina assists with the editing of English content for ongoing ministry projects, programs and initiatives.

Vincent was born and raised in France. As a university student, he participated in two short-term humanitarian mission trips in Africa. After a long journey that led him to Canada for his studies, he came to know Christ personally. The idea of being a missionary was on his heart, but it wasn't at all clear to him how he could serve the Kingdom. When he heard about the possibility to serve with TWR Canada, he felt that the Lord was calling him.

Trina grew up in Ontario in a Christian family. She taught high school French from 2004 to 2011. Her first experience with missions was a short-term mission trip to Haiti in 2008, which helped her to understand the need for French-speaking mission workers around the world and gave her a desire to serve God’s Kingdom using the French language. From the time she and Vincent were married in 2013, they felt a calling to serve as a couple, and then as a family.

Vincent and Trina have four children, born in 2014, 2015, 2020 and 2022.

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